July 25, 2014
Introducing // Tony Weatherson

HOW DID YOU GET INTO RUNNING? I ran as a kid at school, loved cross-country but didn’t like the track as much. But, like a lot of people, I stopped running when I left school and only got back into it when trying to play 5-a-side football. I was so unfit and realised I had to do something about it.
I ran 5 mile training runs until I was fit enough to run around a pitch for an hour and then entered the Great North Run. I ran 1:22 on 5 mile training runs so gave up football and joined my local club in Newcastle, Wallsend Harriers, way back in 1992.
WHAT MADE YOU JOIN HEANOR RC? I ran for another Midlands running club but got fed up with the lack of motivation in the club and wanted to run in national races. I decided to leave and, whilst training on my own was hard work, I was asked by a club member to give Heanor a try. I’m glad I did as it was the best decision I’ve made.
HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN WITH THE CLUB? I’ve been a member of the club for 12 years now and still enjoying every minute of it.
WHAT IS YOUR GREATEST RUNNING ACHIEVEMENT TO DATE? I would say the fact that, since I started racing in 1992 and after some 412 races, I have finished every single one and am not a member of the DNF (did not finish) club. It’s got to be better than some of the faster times I’ve ran.
FAVOURITE SESSION? It’s got to be the tough 400s with little recovery or a good hill session, pushing the body to the limit.
INDUSTRIAL ESTATE OR SHIPLEY PARK? Has to be Shipley Park! You can’t beat summer training.
BEST THING ABOUT THE CLUB? It has to be the camaraderie in the club, whether it’s in a race or tough training session, everyone supports each other like no other club. We race hard, train hard but most of all we’re not afraid to party hard either.
WORST THING ABOUT HEANOR RC? That’s a tough one but I would have to say it’s the ridiculous RED shorts club colours – yellow and blue vest with BLUE shorts not red, haha.
BEST FRIEND IN THE CLUB? I think that would be the quiet Joe Rainsford.
WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE RACE YOU’VE COMPETED IN? On a personal note, it would be Blaydon races in my home town of Newcastle – 5.7 miles, extremely fast race. Other than that, I would say 12-Stage Relays are always exciting and very nerve wracking.
WHY DO YOU RUN? I run because for as long as I can remember, I’ve always been competitive and just love racing and pushing the body as hard as I can, giving it my all.
FUTURE TARGETS? I still want to achieve PBs and would like a sub-1:20 for a half marathon (it’s been a very long time since I did that). A target I’m after in a couple of years would be the club record for a 50 year-old in the time trial.
Photo: Facebook