September 5, 2014
Introducing // Wendy Mullineux

One of HRC’s more entertaining characters – leading the “Madness tribute band” above – this week’s Introducing features Wendy Mullineux. The 40-minute 10k runner (with a soft-spot for chocolate cake) talks about why she runs, her greatest running achievement to date and the best and worst things about the club.
HOW DID YOU GET INTO RUNNING? I started running after a bad break-up with an ex! I initially started just running on a treadmill at the gym.
WHAT MADE YOU JOIN HEANOR RC? Heanor RC was recommended to me by another member so I went along to a training session, enjoyed it and joined.
HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN WITH THE CLUB? I think I have been a member for approximately four years now.
WHAT IS YOUR GREATEST RUNNING ACHIEVEMENT TO DATE? My gGreatest running achievement… Hmmm, probably getting my last 10k personal best at Leeds Abbey Dash in 2013 (40:04) although I’m still hoping to improve on that.
FAVOURITE SESSION? I enjoy the time trials and also the track when I get chance to go.
INDUSTRIAL ESTATE OR SHIPLEY PARK? Shipley Park definitely! Can’t say I particularly like the industrial estate in the cold and dark winter months.
BEST THING ABOUT THE CLUB? Best thing about the club is there is always something on for every type/level of runner, it’s very sociable and non-elitist.
WORST THING ABOUT HEANOR RC? Worst thing (for me) is the distance as I don’t live that close to Heanor, which makes it harder to get to training sessions.
BEST FRIEND IN THE CLUB? Rob Rainsford of course! He’s the guy that makes Heanor RC ‘Heanor RC’.
WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE RACE YOU’VE COMPETED IN? My favourite race was probably the Worksop Half Marathon a few years ago now when I went dressed as a cat. It was my first half marathon and it was on Halloween. I really enjoyed the atmosphere and the fun of running in fancy dress!
WHY DO YOU RUN? I run because, for me, it’s a massive stress-buster. I often don’t feel like running, but afterwards I’m glad I did. It’s also a good excuse to indulge in the odd slice of cake.. In addition it’s great to have a goal of setting a time/distance you want to achieve and then the satisfaction of actually achieving that time/distance. That’s a really good feeling.
FUTURE TARGETS? I would really love to get my 10k time down as it’s beginning to bug me now! In essence it’s to keep enjoying running and to stay injury free this year!