
  • Packed weekend of racing (6th & 7th April)

    As weekends go, the weekend of 6th and 7th of April is about as busy as it can get (especially if you include the first Summer League Race on the 9th – that’s 3 in 4 days!). Lions were spotted at:  The National Road Race Relays (a men’s team of 12 and a ladies team of 6) […]

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  • Midlands Road Relays: 23rd March 2019

    Midland Road Relays It was another successful day for Heanor Running Club at the Midlands 12 and 6 stage relays. As well as being able to field two full teams in both the Men’s and Ladies events (some 36 runners by my rudimentary maths!) there were some outstanding performances from the Ladies (running over 16 minutes […]

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  • Track and Field County Champs

    New to the HRC Club Championship this year is the chance to race on the Moorways track over 5000m and 3000m and potentially win County Medals as well as valuable Club Championship Points. Held jointly with the Notts AAA the championships are to be held over the weekend of 11th and 12th May 2019. Below […]

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  • Sam Marsh at the English Schools XC

    Sam Marsh did the Yellow and Blue proud running for Derbyshire in the English Schools Cross Country with a strong 10th place and earned an international vest in the process. Sam’s Dad writes: “Sam took part in the English Schools Cross Country Champs. He was greeted on Saturday with perfect cross country conditions – hills, […]

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  • Brett Beeson 6

    A top night of running at the latest round of the Brett Beeson 6 time trial run. In all 22 runners tackled the undulating(! – Hardy Barn!) route with another 4 running a short version. There were some good performances backing up the hard work put in over the winter – hopefully we can all […]

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  • Weekend Round Up – 9th and 10th March


    Weekend Round Up – 9th and 10th March Saturday 9th March was the turn of the Inter Counties Cross Country and World Cross Country Trials at Prestwold Hall, so very local. We had a number of athletes compete: Owen Lynas and Archie Winson – U13 Boys Joe Rainsford and Chris Rainsford – Senior Men Samantha Crowe […]

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  • Last Weekends Round Up – 2nd & 3rd March

    Last Weekends Round Up – 2nd & 3rd March Sorry it’s a little late. Last weekend was a busy one for the Wilkins family. They competed in the Brierley Forest Park Run and the Ashbourne 10k and 5k. Paige and Joe also took on the York Parkrun. Saturday 2nd March – Brierley Forest Park Run […]

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  • Weekend Round Up

    ‘Weekend Round Up It was a busy race weekend for our members this week. Many running half marathons with some excellent results. Here are some of our members experiences from those races. We will start with the Wrexham Half in which nearly 3000 runners took part in a course that consisted of 1 small lap […]

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  • Time Trial and Grand Prix Dates!

    The dates are now out for the 2019 Time Trial and Grand Prix. The Time Trial, for those who don’t know, is a 3 mile time run with each runner set off at different times – the fastest set off last. Four events, all needed to score with the lowest overall total finishing position being […]

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  • Holmebrook Valley Park XC results

    Holmebrook Valley Park XC results The last of the BDL XC races was held on Sunday. Well done to all who took part. Here are the results: Heanor Running Club results for event: All results for event: Heanor Running Club team and members league standings: All teams and members league standings:   […]

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#htid "Pride of the Midlands"