May 23, 2014
Introducing // Sarah Lewis

Under the spotlight… is a new weekly website feature looking to introduce Heanor Running Club’s many and wonderful members to the wider running community.
Sarah Lewis from Heanor takes up the position this week and talks about her greatest running achievement to date, her favourite HRC training session and the best (and worst) things about the club.
HOW DID YOU GET INTO RUNNING? I originally started by running 1.5 miles a few times a week just to get fit and shed a few pounds, I got addicted, and now I’m just months away from taking part in my first ever marathon!!
WHAT MADE YOU JOIN HEANOR RC? I had completed my first 10k race and was continuing to run but as the nights got darker I didn’t like to go out running on my own. My friend was a member of Heanor Running Club and she invited me along one October evening.
Even though I was a complete novice and some of the people at Heanor Running Club were to be quite honest amazing runners, they all made me feel really welcome. Irrespective of standard, I was there for the same reason as most other people… to improve. The friendly and supportive atmosphere was perfect to help me strive towards my goals.
WHAT IS YOUR GREATEST RUNNING ACHIEVEMENT TO DATE? I have 2… The first is running the Lisbon Half Marathon in under 1 hr 58 minutes in blistering heat – I was determined to go under the 2 hour mark. I put in a considerable amount of training and it paid off – I was ecstatic when I crossed the finish line to have achieved what I set out to.
My second achievement is completing Ashby 20 in 2013 followed by Rat Race Dirty Weekender (a 20 mile assault course) a couple of months later. This is the furthest distance I have ever ran but I hope to go one better this year and complete the Dublin Marathon!
FAVOURITE SESSION? 200m’s x too many – short and sweet
INDUSTRIAL ESTATE OR SHIPLEY PARK? Hmmmm that’s a toughie. For some reason I like the winter training down the industrial estate, my mind seems more focused on a cold snowy evening. But Shipley Park is great in the summer for variety, hills and picturesque scenery. Hmmmmm eeny meeny miny moe… Shipley Park.
BEST THING ABOUT THE CLUB? The friendly and supportive atmosphere (especially Rob and Ashley!!). Every time I have a break from training I am still made to feel like part of the club and welcomed back to training!
WORST THING ABOUT HEANOR RC? Other peoples views about our club. Some people who aren’t in Heanor Running Club sometimes think that we are too competitive and that it isn’t suitable for slower runners like myself. However I would totally disagree with this. Everyone in Heanor Running Club is very passionate about the club and wears the yellow and blue vest with pride.
Competition tends to derive from the personal desire to improve on personal bests and I find that having similar ability runners around me to aim for really helps to achieve these goals. Everyone is very supportive of each others achievements irrespective of times or distance, if people achieve their personal goals then there is widespread recognition and support from other club members.
BEST FRIEND IN THE CLUB? Laura H, Laura B and Gemma although everyone is really really friendly.
WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE RACE YOU’VE COMPETED IN? Ooooh I actually love the Pud Run because it’s on home turf, it’s a nice undulating course and I know the route inside out (it’s also where I achieved my 10k pb). However I would have to say to date my favourite race was probably Lisbon Half Marathon. There were a few downsides to it (like the route wasn’t very exciting) but the whole experience of running abroad in glorious sunshine amongst so many other people and achieving a PB is what makes it my favourite race so far. I’m definitely looking forward to more runs abroad in the future!!
WHY DO YOU RUN? 1) to keep fit, 2) a personal focus / challenge, and 3) I love my long runs because they give me a time to get away from every day life and think.
FUTURE TARGETS? Complete a marathon (this year), a sub-50 minute 10K, run in the London Marathon, improve on my half marathon time, and one day I would like to complete an ironman triathlon too.